Linguistic and Extralinguistic Features of Linguistic Persona of the Interpreter

  • Ekaterina Ulanova Kuban State University Email:
Keywords: simultaneous interpretation, television interview, extralinguistic background, linguistic personality, genre of interview


In the article the author considers the problems of simultaneous interpreting, focusing on the influence of linguocultural and extralinguistic features of linguistic identity in the interpreting of the TV interview genre. The research is conducted on the material of mass media discourse. The research methods include linguistic analysis of linguistic persona in the interview, cognitive and discursive analysis of the representation of linguistic persona in the interview, the interpretive analysis of simultaneous interpretations. The research results in the description of linguistic and extralinguistic features of the linguistic persona in the interview genre, directly affecting the interpreting process; features of simultaneous interpreting of an interview, analysis of problem situations in the process of interpretation of the television interview.


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How to Cite
Ulanova E. Linguistic and Extralinguistic Features of Linguistic Persona of the Interpreter // Philology & Human, 2022, № 2 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)2-12. URL:
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