The Child in the Colloquial Speech: Thesaurus and its Fixation

  • Irina Amzarakova Khakass State University N. F. Katanov Email:
Keywords: colloquial speech, children's discourse, economy and redundancy, paronymic attraction, German language, lexicography, colloquial speech, children's discourse, economy and redundancy, paronymic attraction, German language, lexicography


The purpose of this study is to identify the main features of colloquiality and their specificity in children's discourse, to describe the problem of lexicographic fixation of children's thesaurus. The most typical manifestation of the redundancy of children's speech is reduplication. Words built on reduplication penetrate from children's discourse into the standard language and into other sociolects, acquiring new meanings. The analysis of lexicographic sources reveals a deficiency in the ideographic description of the child's world, the absence of the necessary lexicographic marks in dictionaries of a general type. Since the beginning of the 2000s, dictionaries of children's innovations and children's thesaurus have been published on the material of the Russian language, but for those studying foreign languages the absence of such ideographic dictionaries becomes an ethnographic gap that hinders intercultural communication.


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How to Cite
Amzarakova I. The Child in the Colloquial Speech: Thesaurus and its Fixation // Philology & Human, 2022, № 2 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)2-13. URL:
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