Text Categories in the Title of a Short Story (on the collection of stories “How We Are Hungry” by Dave Eggers).
The article discusses the role of the title in the manifestation of text categories in a short story. The material for the study is the collection of short stories "How We Are Hungry" by a contemporary American writer Dave Eggers which is of interest in many respects, in particular in terms of formal, content and functional peculiarities of short story titles. The analysis has shown that the titles of this collection are rather diverse both in form and functions they perform; they correlate differently with the text of the work, and set different vectors for predicting the content and modality of the text. All the titles of the collection actualize the categories of integrity, cohesion and coherence. In the vast majority of the titles the categories of informativity, subjectivity and intentionality are realized, the last two being leading and most significant. The analysis allows to conclude that the manifestation of text categories in the titles of D. Eggers’ short stories is carried out in a complicated irregular way, which provokes variability of interpretations.
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Редакционная коллегия научного журнала «Филология и человек» придерживается принятых международным сообществом принципов публикационной этики, отраженных, в частности, в рекомендациях Комитета по этике научных публикаций (Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Кодекс этики научных публикаций), а также учитываeт ценный опыт авторитетных международных журналов и издательств.
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