Psychobiography of the Leader: Lenin in Stories for Children by Mikhail Zoshchenko

  • Alexander Ivanovich Kulyapin Altai State Pedagogical University Email:
Keywords: children’s literature, Freudianism, psychobiography, phobias, memoiristics


Zoshchenko has done a lot of analytical work, having studied many biographies of historical figures of the past. In other people’s biographies, the writer tried to find psychological complexes similar to his own. In the cycle “Stories about Lenin”, the title character appears as the embodiment of the “I am the ideal” Zoshchenko. Lenin easily coping with the phobias from which the writer suffered throughout his life. The leader has been turned into a mirror double of the author. To achieve this kind of mirroring, the writer corrects some facts from Lenin’s biography – outwardly almost imperceptibly, but in fact very significantly. Zoshchenko interprets Lenin’s revolutionary activity in a Freudian way – as a revolt against his father’s world. At the same time, Lenin in the Zoshchenko cycle appears as the antipode of the oedipal fathers. He goes from rebelling against the father’s world to the functional replacement of the father. After the victory of the revolution, Lenin, as shown in the story “About how Lenin was given a fish”, becomes a symbolic Father to all the children of the country.


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Author Biography

Alexander Ivanovich Kulyapin, Altai State Pedagogical University

доктор филологических наук, профессор


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How to Cite
Kulyapin A. I. Psychobiography of the Leader: Lenin in Stories for Children by Mikhail Zoshchenko // Philology & Human, 2023, № 2. P. 99-109 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2023)2-07. URL:
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