The Role of the Internal Context of a Cinematographic Work in Creating and Interpreting the Wordplay (Based on the TV Shows: “The Sandman”, “Anne with an E”, and “Shadow and Bone”)

Keywords: word play, context, internal context, discourse, cinematographic discourse, movie discourse


For a long time, researchers have been studying the concept of context in linguistics and related sciences. However, until now the concept of context does not have an unambiguous definition and classification. Within the framework of this study, a special type of context was identified, namely the internal context of a cinematographic work, which covers information about the time and place of the action, the personalities of the communicants and communicative situations within the work under consideration. The subject of the study is context, or rather the role of the internal context in understanding the wordplay in the TV shows of the last decade. The author states that the internal context of film discourse is an integral factor in the creation of wordplay and plays a key role in understanding the wordplay in films, since often we cannot attribute the cases under consideration to the wordplay without contextual information. Finally, we believe that the concept of the internal context of a work can go beyond the scope of film discourse and can be used when considering literary discourse, song discourse, etc.


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Author Biography

Xenia Dmitrievna Voytsekh, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Teaching Assistant of the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication, School of Romance and Germanic Philology, Ufa University of Science and Technology


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How to Cite
Voytsekh X. D. The Role of the Internal Context of a Cinematographic Work in Creating and Interpreting the Wordplay (Based on the TV Shows: “The Sandman”, “Anne with an E”, and “Shadow and Bone”) // Philology & Human, 2023, № 2. P. 49-62 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2023)2-04. URL:
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