Emotional Dominance as a Structural Factor of the Translation

  • Irina Dyachenko Altai State University Email: dyachenko.irinka@bk.ru
  • Tatiana Malinovskaya Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Email: vasilenko76@mail.ru
Keywords: emotional dominance, dominant meaning, speech activity, translation, motive, emotions


The article discusses the role of some factors that regulate the perception and understanding of the text. Extralinguistic factors are considered less-studied which makes the analysis presented in the article quite relevant. Modern science actualizes the interconnection of affective and cognitive processes of a person. Emotions play an important role in all types of man’s activity. Translation is one of the types of speech activity and is influenced by the general rules of psychic activity. Besides, translation is regulated by emotions. The level of a foreign text perception depends on the nearness of the emotional and the conceptual systems of the original and the translation text authors.  Emotions are presented in the text by language units. They also actualize its meanings. The emotions of the fiction text author are of the paramount importance. The leading emotion builds its emotional dominance while the dependent emotions represent the emotional dominance modification.


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How to Cite
Dyachenko I., Malinovskaya T. Emotional Dominance as a Structural Factor of the Translation // Philology & Human, 2022, № 1. P. 128-139 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)1-10. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/8273.
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