Heaven (“Ustigi Oroon”) and Hell (“Altygy Oroon”) as Seen in Works of Dibash Kainchin

  • Ulyana Tekenova Gorno-Altai State University Email: tekenovau@mail.ru
Keywords: hell and heaven, image, mennipeya, Dibash Kainchin, altai literature


The article gives the analysis of images of heaven (“Ustigi Oroon”) and hell (Altygy Oroon”) in the philosophical works of Altaian writer Dibash Kainchin. It reveals the author’s idea of “earthly heaven” and “earthly hell” in his short stories as reflection of his worldview, morale and attitude to people.  There have been discussed poetic techniques significant for D. Kainchin, such as dream and related states (delirium, hallucinations, and quick views under some external influence) which help the author to give an insight into a person. The author of this article uses comparative historical, structural and semiotic methods and the method of complex analysis of fiction. The literary texts employed have been translated by Dibash Kainchin himself and the author of the article.


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Author Biography

Ulyana Tekenova, Gorno-Altai State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Altai Philology and Oriental Studies of the Faculty of Altaistics and Turkology, Senior Researcher of the N.N. S.S. Surazakova


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How to Cite
Tekenova U. Heaven (“Ustigi Oroon”) and Hell (“Altygy Oroon”) as Seen in Works of Dibash Kainchin // Philology & Human, 2021, № 3. P. 102-116 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2021)3-09. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/8605.
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