The Peculiarities of Language Means and Speech Techniques of Manipulation in American Political Discourse (on the Example of D. Trump and J. Biden Presidential Debates)

  • Galina Menshchikova Barnaul Law Institute Email:
Keywords: discourse, manipulation, lexico-grammatical features, language means, speech techniques


Based on the material of the pre-election speeches of D. Trump and D. Biden during the first and last political debates in the United States in 2020, the article presents the results of the analysis of speech manipulation techniques, identifies similarities and differences in speeches, and identifies the features of their speech organization. The results of the study allow us to state that participants in American political discourse organize their speech in a special semantic, stylistic and semiotic way, which gives it an exclusively pragmatic character. In the course of the study, special attention is paid to such linguistic means as the use of emotionally expressive words and constructions with a negative assessment, “labeling”, etc., the use of the categories “friend or foe”, “I-we”, the purpose of which is to influence the consciousness and behavior of the interlocutor/audience to the benefit of the speaker.


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How to Cite
Menshchikova G. The Peculiarities of Language Means and Speech Techniques of Manipulation in American Political Discourse (on the Example of D. Trump and J. Biden Presidential Debates) // Philology & Human, 2022, № 1. P. 67-79 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)1-05. URL:
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