Linguistic and Cognitive Essence of Relations in Dialect Worldview of Kuban Region Inhabitants (Based on the Example of Blood Relatives Microfield) (part 2)

  • Ludmila Kostina Kuban State University Email:
  • Borisova Olga Kuban State University Email:
Keywords: cognitive dialectology, dialect world view, conceptual microfield «Blood relatives», ethnocultural specifics, Kuban dialects, cognitive dialectology, dialect world view, conceptual microfield «Blood relatives», ethnocultural specifics, Kuban dialects


The second part of the article presents a description of the linguistic and cognitive essence of blood relatives relations in the dialect worldview of Kuban region inhabitants. The study defines the connotation content of the analyzed microfield representatives by stereotyping the family role and position of blood relatives, their interrelations and qualities, which are vital from the Kuban dialect carriers’ point of view. It demonstrates various cognitive potential of microfield constituents which involves some notions having (in peoples’ mind) conjoined meanings and others lacking some. The article demonstrates, that children are a cognitive dominant idea of the Blood Relatives microfield, that leads to their natural ranking into categories, which is manifested in a range of relevant concept-building characteristics. Statements of dialect carriers prove the importance of a traditional role of the family in younger generation upbringing. The research demonstrates, that means оf the described microfield representation, refer to the idea of blood relatives relations, inherent in this ethnical culture, which contains both archaic and modern beliefs of Kuban dialect carriers.


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How to Cite
Kostina L., Olga B. Linguistic and Cognitive Essence of Relations in Dialect Worldview of Kuban Region Inhabitants (Based on the Example of Blood Relatives Microfield) (part 2) // Philology & Human, 2022, № 2 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)2-06. URL:
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