The Poetics of «Suspense» in Modern Psychological Thrillers (Case study of the novels «The Apprentice» (2018) and «Failure» (2019) by M. Hurt and H. Rosenfeldt)

  • Елена Викторовна Тырышкина Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет Email:
  • Виктория Юрьевна Мишенина «Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет» Email:
Keywords: «suspense», psychological thriller, M. Hurt, H. Rosenfeldt, «The Apprentice», «Failure»


The article examines the concept of «suspense» based on the research materials of domestic and foreign literary scholars and the main means of its creation in modern psychological thrillers, and determines the focal areas for the implementation of this artistic technique using the example of novels of the latest literary generation. The features of structure, stylistic unity, artistic means of expression and linguistic composition are analyzed, as well as the effect these techniques have on the emotional state of readers when creating strong suspense. Extracts from the psychological novels «The Apprentice» (published in 2018) and «Failure» (published in 2019) by Scandinavian writers M. Jurt and H. Rosenfeldt have served as material for analysis, in which the authors implement the «suspense» technique not only in language, but and at the text level. The uniqueness of the technique of creating an atmosphere of increasing anxious anticipation in psychological thrillers of the 21st century by involving all levels of text organization is noted.


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Author Biographies

Елена Викторовна Тырышкина, Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет

д. ф.н., доцент, профессор кафедры русской и зарубежной литературы, теории литературы и методики обучения литературе

Виктория Юрьевна Мишенина, «Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет»

студент магистратуры «История и теория литературы» Новосибирского государственного педагогического университета, преподаватель ГБПОУ НСО "Новосибирский авиационный технический колледж им. Б.С. Галущака"


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List of sources

Yurt M., Rusenfel'dt Kh. The Apprentice. Moscow, 2023. 576 s.

Yurt M., Rusenfel'dt Kh. Failure. Moscow, 2022. 416 s.

How to Cite
Тырышкина Е. В., Мишенина В. Ю. The Poetics of «Suspense» in Modern Psychological Thrillers (Case study of the novels «The Apprentice» (2018) and «Failure» (2019) by M. Hurt and H. Rosenfeldt) // Philology & Human, 2024, № 3. P. 140-158 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2024)3-09. URL:
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